Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rain Equals Cat Brains

This week has rained and rained and rained. That means no work happened. For my husband, literally, works stops. You can't pick corn when it's raining. For me, it's all emotional. It's gloomy, wet, cold, wet, dreary, wet, wet, wet. Who can get motivated with weather that makes you want to crawl back under the sheets and turn on the heating pad?! 

So instead of doing my Bible study homework, writing, blogging, cleaning, cooking and all the 101 other things I needed to do.... I've knit and listened to podcasts, read and wrote down quotes that struck my fancy. I've been to the library twice and made three trips to local bookstores.

Good news though, I finished another Barley baby hat and made good progress on a sock.

Here's the best quote of the week,

"I'd rather do sit-ups for an hour than try to locate a string of words in my mind. I want to believe that our brains are machines you turn on and off like cars, but when it comes down to it, I think they're a lot more like cats or toddlers; you sometimes have to trick them or turn your back just for a second, allowing them to believe your not watching." -"Bittersweet" by Shauna Niequist, pages 205-206

My brain has definitely been a cat this week. It's hidden under the bed most of the week and hissed when I tried to coax it out!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Watching Them Worship

God is in the midst of her;
she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns.
(Psalm 46:5 ESV)

As a mom, one of the most important goals of my life is to know my daughters' faith is their own.

This weekend I saw that goal is being accomplished. At the last minute we were able to go to the Michael W. Smith concert at Indiana Wesleyan University Saturday evening where my oldest sat behind the band in the chorale backing up Michael. I cried as I watched her worshiping. And then next to me another daughter's hand went up in praise.

Our children grow up, and it's a scary thing. I want them to be babies again, always reaching to me for help. But the older they get, the less they need my help. Knowing they are turning to God for their help makes the pain of letting go so much easier.

I am a blessed mom!

Friday, October 3, 2014

A Small Gift

I visited my Dad this week and he sent me home with two roses, one zucchini and four tomatoes. I love that man!

The roses smelled so sweet and filled my heart with feelings of being loved. It reminded me of a quote from a book I'm reading by Mark and Lisa Scandrette entitled, "Free: Spending Your Money and Time on What Matters Most."

"I've learned new ways to give, and that a small gift is often appreciated as much as a lavish one." -pg. 35

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Off My Needles: Clapo-Ktus Shawl

Recently I finished this shawl for a friend. As I knit it I prayed for her and her mom who is battling cancer. I bought this special yarn at my local knitting shop, River Knits, not knowing what to do with it. But after a few days, it came to me. This is the perfect colorway for a dear friend.

It's a yarn from a promotion that Dream in Color Yarn is doing. Every month they send out special Club colorway skeins to o participating shops  to sell. The color combination is brilliant. Pinks, green, yellow, orange. It vibrant, cheerful, yet somehow fallish.

When you buy a skein, you receive a free pattern. I ditched the pattern for the Clapo-Ktus.

Years ago I knit the Capotis shawl and last year, the Baktus shawl. This pattern is a combination of the two - pure genius!
It was so much fun to knit, and I'm not a big shawl knitter. I get bored with them. But not this one because just when I started to get bored, the decrease section began. And with the decreases came the dropped stitch. How fun to let all those purl stitched fall off the needle and watch the shawl open up. I couldn't stop knitting. I wanted to watch the magic happen over and over again.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Off My Needles: Barley Baby Hat

I'm officially old. Not only do I have one great-nephew, but I have three great-nieces. The newest is a few weeks old. I love these little ones, but I wish they didn't come with the title, Great-Aunt.

Anyway, despite my annoyance at what this newest one will call me, I knit her a teeny, tiny hat from the Barley Hat pattern. This is a super, simple pattern to knit up, but looks adorable. Try it, and you will fall in love with the pattern too.

Now, if I can just remember to mail it!