Friday, January 19, 2018

#12 Days of Bookstagram

Day 1: current read
Unfortunately, I never finished this book. It will go on the 2018 To Be Finished list.

Day 2: stack of books

There's always a stack of books to be read, and it's growing higher every day.

Day 3: favorite reading chair
Today I moved this chair to another area of the living room.  I'll let you know if it's as cozy there.

Day 4: favorite quote
I read through the Bible every year. I have for at least 17 years!

Day 5: more than books
I also collect plants. My parents, my father especially, has a green thumb. I love bringing nature inside.

Day 6: flat lay
This is an excellent book. I highly recommend it.

Day 7: on my nightstand
Always finding new ways to display my TBR pile.

Day 8: book & beverage
I love this left-handed mug that I bought on a trip out to Mount Rushmore. I found this gem at Wall Drug.

Day 9: at the library
Our library has been undergoing a renovation. It's like I've lost an old friend, but discovered a new one where the old one disappeared.

Day 10: books I want to read
See, another couple piles. 2018's goal is to read the books I already own.

Day 11: bibliophile life
I find I read as many, if not more books, on my kindle app and library app. I love to read while I work out.

Day 12: shelfie (favorite childhood reading)
I spent hours pouring through these encyclopedias as a little girl.

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